Happy Fourth of July!

Today is the day that Amurrica officially gained it's independence. However, history class has probably ruined it for us, just like they ruined Pocahontas, be feeding us false information, BUT WHO CARES. We will just celebrate America today just like Nicolas Cage celebrates America everyday in his National Treasure movies.

Recently in my life, I have officially rented my first apartment, with two other apartment-mates, and started officially moving in! Wahooo!

Other than the normal scares and nervousness of apartment life, here are my worst fears:
1. Sliding off the edge of the hill we currently reside on top of. (erosion, etc.)
2. A fire because we forget to blow out a candle.
3. Savage wild turkeys. (DEFINITE POSSIBILITY)
4. Savage wild deer. (AGAIN, DEFINITE POSSIBILITY)
5. Getting robbed.

Mountain lion encounters didn't quite make the list, but I'm rethinking it.

My stomach is literally churning just thinking about it.

K '12 (Repost)

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