Dip-Dyed High-Waisted Shorts: A Step-by-Step Guide
1. Bleach Shorts (If they're not white)
I laid shorts on a big trash bag and then dumped bleach all over them, then turned them over and repeated. Let them sit for like 10 minutes. Do it again. Let them sit. Etc. (Do it until you like the color.) Then wash them pretty thoroughly and get all the bleach out. While they're still wet...
2. Get yo' dying shit together.
I first took bucket and filled it with super hot water. I added like 3/4 cup of Salt and stirred! Then dumped a few shakes and sprinkles into the water, stirred, so it was faintly the color i wanted. Then I dipped the shorts halfway in. This gave them a very, very light color. Then I shook some more color in and stirred. Then I dipped a little less in. Then I shook a lot more color in and stirred. Then I dipped a little less than before in. By this time you've got a pretty cool ombré look happening. Pick another color, turn the shorts over, and repeat the same exact steps. (I started with the blue and then did the pink.)
3. Let them chill for awhile, while you scrub everything after all the bleaching and dying.
4. After letting them chill for like an hour, i actually sprayed them down with a hose. Just briefly, not too intensely.
5. Now they're sitting out for the night and probably some of the day tomorrow and then i'll wash them with a bunch of dark colored towels.
All done! Enjoy and I hope it works for you tooooo! (:
(Oh and if anyone was wondering how court went today, I'm officially working off my $500 debt to the San Francisco Bay Area in community service. I love the justice system a ton. Can you tell? :|)
K '12 (Repost)
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