DIY: Bright Furniture Pieces

The first step is admitting you have a problem:

Hi, my name is Kimberlea and I have a fear of color.

Actually, I completely love color, but I have a fear of mismatching items. There is A LOT of grey and black in my closet (because it goes with everything!) and sometimes it's just really hard to not want to paint everything white.

I am the person who paints everything white, by the way, but I'm working on that day-by-day...

I found both of these pieces when my friend graduated college last year and was giving her furniture away! I snatched them both immediately. 

Here are a few ideas for adding splashes of color into your life:

Painting the inside of a drawer an incredible bright color (red, yellow, orange, green, etc.)

Most people will paint the top of a table a different color to add spice, but you're not most people. Paint the bottom!

Some other ideas include complementary colors for different aspects of a piece (check out a color wheel to find complementary colors) or bright colored knobs on a basic white piece.

Go crazy. You can always repaint!

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