Tea Time!

This weekend, I hopped, skipped, and jumped over to a garage sale in my parent's neighborhood. They live in a historic neighborhood, so you can bet your bottom dollar that the garage sales around there are freaking gold mines of gorgeous vintage stuff (the other weekend we picked up a BEAUTIFUL vintage, metal, off-white queen sized headboard someone was throwing about! dumpster diving at its finest).

Anyways, I found this amazing tea set. Think Beauty and the Beast if Mrs. Pots was metal. I got the tray, sugar cup, creamer cup, and the tea pot for $15. No joke. 
AND, it's all silver.

Anyways, I spent most of my Sunday polishing it, and here is the final outcome!

I guess this blog post serves to say that even as icky and tarnished as something might be, there's always something beautiful underneath after a little time and some elbow-grease (;

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