So I got a free pair of shoes...

& I'm madly in love with them.

I casually reblogged a post on my favorite shopping site/app, wanelo, and viola, I won some shoes. 

The shoes are called "Kandals" and they're basically like a new and improved Toms (and NO, they're not "Bobs by Sketchers" who ripped off a damn charity. That's literally like stealing from Goodwill.)

Kandals have their own thing going on. 

Here's my blogging/shopoholic analysis:
The shoe's overall look is very clean and sleek. 
They have a great amount of lining and more sole to them (CAN I GET AN AMEN?!)
They're vegan :)
The bottoms smell like strawberries which is rad since my toms smell like corpses. plural. 
They have rubber soles, which I feel like I'll appreciate this summer for my commuting days. 
There's a tree planted for each shoe bought. 

The last one is very tomsy, and I must say that I'd much rather have a shoeless child helped than a tree planted, but a tree is also nice, so whatever. 

 A humongous ginormous thank you to both #Kandals and #Wanelo. 

Here's the link to buy some Kandals:

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