My Two Favorite Words Are "Vintage" & "Free"

My wonderful friend Alyssa graduated from college a couple weeks ago and basically had a free for all of stuff in her apartment. I scored an adorable shelf, a giant dresser (for my mom), and 3 adorable vintage tables. One even had the plaque still on the bottom telling me the company that made it and where they're located! 

I'm pretty fond of one of the tables and decided to refurbish it into a nice, little nightstand.

My journey included sanding the whole thing with some sand paper (not to sand the paint off, but just to get a nice clean surface.

Then I wiped the whole thing off with a dry, old t-shirt.

After that, I bought one can of RUST-O-LEUM (or whatever it's called) white gloss spray paint from OSH and sprayed it down one coat, then more vigorously sprayed it all again covering every inch, ESPECIALLY THE TOP. I used the ENTIRE can of paint, by the way.

I've noticed with using "flat," "satin" and "medium-gloss" spray paint, it just kind of sucks tremendously. It never comes out looking really nice, but instead like some shit spray paint job you took two seconds to do. Oh, and it is NEVER consistent. 

The glossy spray paint looks significantly better (with lots of coats!) and I recommend using that one if you can.

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